Itchy, inflamed and irritated skin can make you unbearable discomfort. When you encounter severe skin problems like eczema, colloidal oatmeal is the perfect solution.
If you experience this kind of problem, then following a good skincare routine is very much essential. Bathing and moisturizing with beauty products for sensitive skin will manage the eczema symptoms that prevent flakes and manage itchy skin as well.
The dry skin will lead to problems resulting in itchiness and irritation, therefore your skin should be moisturized at all times. Dry skin does not contain enough oil, as a result it cannot hold the extra moisture and lock in the wetness.
How does colloidal oatmeal help for eczema? Colloidal oatmeal has be proven to soothe and calm skin inflammation. Although it is not a cure, an oatmeal solution can provide relief and minimize symptoms caused by red and irritated skin conditions.
So, you will have to go for the right solution for maintaining your skin and preserving its natural moisture. In this article, we will discuss how colloidal oatmeal can help you care for skin conditions like eczema and the most effective way to treat your dry skin problem by giving enough moisture with the nutrients available in whole grain oats.
What is colloidal oatmeal?
Colloidal oatmeal is made from grinding oats into a fine powder. The oats are then mixed with an aqueous solution to make a perfect skin treatment that is dermatologist recommended for dry, red, flakey and itchy skin.
Many people use this oatmeal solution for treating skin problems related to eczema. Colloidal oatmeal can soften and soothe the skin, apart from its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
This type of oatmeal benefits the skin by reducing irritation and itchiness by applying necessary nutrients and oils that the skin needs. It moisturizes and smoothes the skin at the same time.
What is eczema?
Eczema is a skin disease where patches of skin become dry, itchy, rough, blister, crack and inflame. There are so many triggers for this skin problem that can be caused by foods such as nuts or dairy products, stress or even allergic reactions due to the environmental condition.
People who have this kind of skin problem will need to consult a dermatologist, however a colloidal oatmeal home remedy may be a viable recommendation.
Taking an oatmeal bath with colloidal oats can really help to reduce the problem of dryness, irritation and itchiness. The moisturizing effects of the vitamins, minerals and fats are essential to reduce this kind of skin problem.
Soaking in a lukewarm oatmeal bath for 10 minutes is a perfect remedy to provide soothing relief.
Is colloidal oatmeal good for skin?
Colloidal oatmeal is very good for skin. It contains minerals, vitamins and fats that can add moisture, softness, smoothness and also protect your skin.
Oatmeal is rich with proteins and lipids that act as a great moisture lock for your skin. If you are suffering from dry and itchy skin irritation, then this oatmeal solution can restore hydrating balance to your skin.
Colloidal oatmeal is also a good exfoliator that will deep cleanse your skin. Apart from this, it contains flavonoids that protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.
As you can see, this type of oatmeal suits all types of skins and is perfect for your skin.
Why does oatmeal help eczema?
You can make an oatmeal bath with the same oats that you eat for breakfast. However, it is much better to use colloidal oatmeal, or oats that have been pulverized into a fine powder.
This kind of oatmeal can bind your skin tissues and form a solid barrier as a protectant. It also helps to hold the moisture locked into the skin for a long stretch of time.
It can smooth your skin and make it soft. The oatmeal solution can also ease the itchiness, dryness and reduce skin irritation as well.
People have used it for centuries to ease inflammation and solve skin disease problems. According to a 2012 study, is now better understood how oatmeal bath benefits are able to protect and soothe itching and irritation caused by eczema.
Is oatmeal soap good for eczema?
Oatmeal soap is a sensitive choice for inflamed skin problems like eczema. There are many varieties of oatmeal soaps designed to give sensitive skins the perfect cleanser without causing any types of irritations.
If you have a problem with eczema, then you should think twice before using just any kind of soaps. The wrong choice can cause a chemical irritation and put your inflamed skin condition at risk.
Before choosing any oatmeal soap, check the pH level, allergen factors and other active ingredients to determine if it is the right choice for you. Additionally, look for a scent-free soap as the fragrance will put you in danger and can flare up your eczema, increase allergy problems and affect at risk skin conditions.
Can oats make eczema worse?
No, oats should not make eczema worse unless you suffer from an oat allergy or oats side effects. Colloidal are commonly used to treat skin irritation and itchiness as well as help you to solve related skin problems.
It will protect your skin from the environmental pollutant by creating a barrier that also helps to lock in the natural moisture of your skin. Enjoy smooth and soft skin that is free of dry, flakey and irritated patches on your skin.
Doctor and dermatologists commonly recommend a colloidal oatmeal solution for extreme skin problems that require sensitive treatment options.
How to use colloidal oatmeal for skin?
The most common way to use colloidal oatmeal is to make an oatmeal bath, which is very beneficial to reduce many inflamed skin problems. Colloidal oatmeal can also be mixed with equal parts water to create a salve that can be applied to affected areas.
For the perfect oatmeal bath, you will have to check that the water temperature is not too hot. It should be lukewarm as hot water can further inflame skin conditions.
After that, add a cup or two of oatmeal and soak in the solution for about 10 to 15 minutes. After the bath, pat your skin to dry.
If you purchase colloidal oatmeal beauty products, then you should read the instructions carefully for manufacturer’s recommendations.
Apart from this, it is common to use a moisturizer, cream or lotion that contains colloidal oatmeal to soothe sensitive skin affected by eczema.
Colloidal oats are a safe solution for most people and should help to reduce symptoms of irritated skin conditions.
How to make colloidal oatmeal for eczema?
You can make colloidal oatmeal by grinding rolled oats in a coffee grinder, blender or food processor until a fine powder is achieved, about 30 to 60 seconds.
Either make a paste with equal parts water and colloidal oats, or add a cup or two to a lukewarm bath for a calming and soothing solution.
Colloidal oatmeal is very beneficial for eczema and similar skin conditions.
It is easy to make a cup of the finely ground oats at a time. You can put one cup of oatmeal into a blender or coffee grinder to make a fine and consistent powder.
After that, you can use this mixture in your bath water to reduce the skin problems. This is a natural solution for eczema that is proven to keep your symptoms milder and provide a calming solution to the unbearable irritation.

Oatmeal for Eczema: The Bottom Line
By no means are colloidal oatmeal baths a cure for eczema. They may help to relieve irritated skin conditions caused by eczema, but they will not solve the origin of the problem.
You can buy colloidal oatmeal beauty products, or you can make a cup of your own using rolled oats in a blender, coffee grinder or food processor.
Before adding oatmeal to your sensitive skin care routine, it is advisable to consult a physician and dermatologist.
You should consider the frequency of applying oatmeal to dry, red or itching skin caused by eczema. Although oatmeal baths may soothe, calm and temporarily alleviate symptoms, it is not meant to be a cure.