Babies need an abundance of nutrients to grow at their early stages of development. Babies should be ideally breastfed until 6 months of age since breast milk has the essential nutrients required by the baby in infancy.
Can babies drink oat milk? Babies can drink oat milk after 6 months of age as long as they are not allergic to oats. However, oat milk is not a wholesome substitute for the nutrition found in breast milk and babies will need additional nutrients for proper growth and development. Check out Overnight Oats for Breastfeeding!
Along with veggies and fruits, oat milk is another nutritious food that should be included in a baby’s diet as they grow. Ensure oat milk that is sufficient in fat, calories, or protein when giving it to babies.
It is true that babies can eat oatmeal, but caution must be exercised when first introducing the whole grain. Oat milk can be only given to those children who don’t suffer from side effects of oats for babies or are currently placed on a hypoallergenic formula.
This article seeks to explain everything you need to know about babies drinking oat milk. Answered below are frequently asked questions about babies drinking oat milk and the potential concerns to be aware of.
Is oatmeal good for babies?
Yes, oatmeal is good for babies provided they are not having allergies to oats. Oatmeal is abundant in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, making it a nutritious food source for your baby.
Oatmeal aids in digestion and is very fulfilling and more nutritious when compared to other whole grains. A few tablespoons of oatmeal every day can easily be included in your baby’s diet.
In fact, it is one of the only cereal grains the majority of children or babies are non-allergic. You can start feeding oatmeal when the child crosses 6 months of age, until that time breastfeeding is the healthiest practice.
Start by introducing plain oatmeal recipes, gradually add them in minor quantities, and then increasing them in your baby’s diet. Add flavors, veggies and fruits gradually.
Introduce one ingredient at one time and let the baby’s system get used to it slowly. Check the outcomes and carefully observe any allergies when starting to give oats to babies.
Can I give oat milk to my baby?
Yes, you can give oat milk to your baby. Oat milk is a blend of whole grain oats in water, however the milk alternative is not a nutritional substitute for mammal milk.
The most important fact to note is that oat milk is not a total replacement for breast milk, cow’s milk or any other animal milks.
Oat milk that is fortified with protein should be given to babies as oat milk is lower in protein and fat. Protein is essential for healthy muscle growth and neurological development.
Oat milk is good for your baby as long as there are no allergies associated with oats side effects.
Oat milk will help to restrict the intake of saturated fat. Even for people who have no dairy allergies, introducing cow’s milk should be done post 12 months because a baby may find it difficult to digest cow’s milk.
However, oat milk can be introduced at an earlier age, between 3 to 6 months based on the child’s developments and your pediatrician’s recommendation.
Oat milk has a grainy sweet flavor which children will get used to very easily. When it comes time to introduce oats and oat milk to your infant, and some parents even add oatmeal cereal to baby bottles, either way you shouldn’t experience much difficulty at all.
Is it safe to give babies oat milk?
Yes, it is safe to give babies oat milk post 6 months of age. Until that time, breastfeeding is essential for the growth and development of an infant.
However, introduce it gradually into the baby’s diet. Check for allergies and carefully observe any signs of oat milk dangers.
Oat milk has vitamin B more in amount as compared to coconut milk or soya milk. Oats naturally comprise beta-glucans that stimulate the immune system and aids in a normal blood pressure level.
Oat milk is safe and healthy for both babies and adults too. It is rich in calcium, free of cholesterol, low in fat, and simple to digest.
Not only this, but oat milk is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. You can safely feed your toddler consume oat milk owing to its health benefits and easy-to-digest nature.
Can 6-month old baby drink oat milk?
Yes, a 6-month old baby can drink oat milk. Oat milk is easily digestive with low fat and cholesterol-free, however do not totally substitute as an alternative to a mother’s breast milk.
Oat milk can be used in cooking and as a period beverage, but it should never be the main drink. Until 6 months, a baby should only be breastfed as it needs to have a strong immunity and get all the vital nutrients for its growth.
Once the baby crosses the 6-month period, it needs additional components to compensate for the growing appetite. For this reason food is appropriate for development and growth.
It is common for a 1 year old to eat quaker oats, but until then probably best to stick with baby oatmeal brands. If you want to, make your own baby oatmeal for a much lower cost.
In reality, there is not much difference between baby oatmeal and regular oatmeal other than the oats being finely ground and oftentimes precooked and dehydrated. Just add water for a ready to eat meal.
Side effects of oat milk for babies
As with any food, exercise care and precautions when allowing your babies to drink oat milk. Verify the baby’s allergies and other issues by gradually introducing oat milk into their diet so that you can check for telltale signs of discomfort.
Oat milk comprises of:
- Sugar: Oat milk has natural, and often times added sugars when purchasing from commercial manufacturers. It is generally sweetened or high in sugar, so look for sugar-free or no added sugar labeled the oat milk.
- Gluten: Oats are gluten-free, however processed oats are different from raw. Oats are generally harvested with that processed gluten grains like wheat, unless it is specifically labeled “gluten-free.” Avoid oat milk if your baby is having an autoimmune or inflammatory condition as oat milk can trigger inflammation.
- High-fiber: Oats are rich in fiber which some people have difficulty processing. This can result in flatulence and indigestion.
Owing to the above aspects of oat milk, some of the side effects of oat milk for babies include:
- Allergy: Very few people are actually allergic to oats. Be sure to have oats only if you are sure the baby is not allergic to them.
- Upset stomach: Several people are not ok with consuming rich fiber foods. This can result in reflux that could cause an upset stomach. For the same reason, you should gradually introduce oat milk into the baby’s diet. Slowly increase the portion size to make the body acquainted or get used to consuming fiber abundant foods.
- Sensitivity to Gluten: Oats are gluten-free, but processing can often times result in cross-contamination. This can be an issue for people with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. Stick with gluten free oat milk to alleviate the concern.
- Diarrhea: Oat milk has both insoluble and soluble fiber, which results in good bowel movement in our body. Too much oat milk consumption can result in diarrhea, just one of the few oat milk disadvantages.
- Carb heavy: Oat milk is made from whole grain. This means that it is a carb-rich food. The carbs present in oats are complex carbs that slow the process of digestion. Not only this, it slows the blood sugar absorption rate as well.

Babies Drinking Oat Milk: Conclusion
So, yes, babies drink oat milk once they are over 6 months of age. Until this time, breastfeeding is essential to gain strong immunity and essential body nutrients.
Introduce oat milk gradually into the baby’s diet. The fiber rich food takes some time for you body to get used to processing it smoothly.
Additionally, oats have some side effects that should be carefully observed. For this reason, slowly introducing oat milk to a baby after 6 months of age is the common recommendation.
Furthermore, oat milk is not a complete dietary replacement for breast milk. Though oats are a valuable source for plant based protein, fat, and essential vitamins and minerals, it does not provide the same amount of nutrition that a baby requires for growth and development.
Oat milk can be consumed by babies once their pediatrician gives the node of approval. However, it is never a complete replacement for the nutrition provided from mammal milks.
Monday 14th of February 2022
Can i mix oatmilk to my baby's formula milk?
Monday 14th of February 2022
Hello, I would recommend speaking with you physician about this, especially if your baby has displayed any allergies or adverse reactions. However, I would think that it is ok to mix a little bit of oat milk with baby formula after your child reaches 6 months of age because a baby has the ability to digest other foods more easily.