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Starbucks Drinks Overnight Oats (14 Vegan, Gluten-Free Recipes!)

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Looking for a healthier way to enjoy your favorite specialty coffee beverages? Try these healthy Starbucks drinks overnight oats that you can eat hot or cold all year round. 

From chai tea latte overnight oats to fresh brewed coffee infused mocha banana overnight oats without yogurt, we’ve rounded up easy overnight oats with coffee and tea. Get the caffeine boost and supplemental energy that you need to survive the hectic workweek. 

If you’re only familiar with cooked oats, then it’s time to open the door to no cook oatmeal. These brand new recipes combine the health benefits of oats with rich taste and energizing effects of coffee. 

Coffee and teas are staple superfoods that are found in the pantry of most household kitchens. From homemade almond milk to oven baked granola, the door is open for you to explore a wide variety of oatmeal toppings

Starbucks drinks overnight oats are made with ingredients that can be found all year round. If you have been drinking coffee and eating oatmeal everyday, then upgrade your routine with these unique oatmeal recipes. 

It’s a healthy breakfast idea or fantastic mid afternoon snack. Avoid craving junk food or sugar-filled specialty coffee drinks. Have a healthy and stress-free morning, save time with these delicious make-ahead meals that will keep you energized and feeling full all day long. 

Is Oatmeal And Coffee A Good Breakfast?

Coffee is a healthy superfood that gives your bowl of oatmeal a touch of sweet, bold and rich flavor. Coffee has several nutrients that not only taste good, but also provide an energy boost that keeps you going.. 

Here are some benefits of adding coffee to oatmeal every morning:

  • Improved energy levels.
  • Help burn fat.
  • Improved physical performance.
  • Essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Make you happier.

Both oatmeal and coffee have vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These help you to feel full and avert other cravings that are felt throughout the day. Soak up your overnight oats with the added flavor and benefits of coffee,

Basic Ingredients For Starbucks Drinks Overnight Oats:

Having coffee with breakfast has become a regular part of the routine. What if you could combine your favorite coffee drink with your nutritious and wholesome breakfast. There are many fulfilling base ingredients when it comes to making Starbucks drinks overnight oats. Here are reasons why each individual element so important when you are assembling this healthy meal prep.

  • Coffee and tea: Pick your favorite type of coffee or tea and brew it extra strong, taste will be diluted by the neutral oats flavor. Good quality ingredients produce the best results, so stick with your favorite brands to make Starbucks drinks overnight oats.
  • Oats: Use old fashioned rolled oats instead of steel-cut or quick oats when making these overnight oats recipes. Quick oats get really soggy when soaked overnight night, and steel cut oats are too chewy when soaked in cold liquid. Oats are naturally gluten-free, however its recommended to purchase certified gluten-free if you stick to a strict wheat-free diet. 
  • Liquid: Although coffee and tea are base ingredients, some of the specialty beverages combine with cow milk or dairy-free alternatives. The liquid you choose slightly alters the taste, however you should try making overnight oats with 5-minute almond milk, homemade soy milk, oat milk, hemp milk, flaxseed milk, or coconut milk to evaluate your favorite combinations. In general, it’s recommended to follow the 2:1 overnight oats water ratio for a porridge style oatmeal preparation.
  • Yogurt: Milk based or vegan substitutes can be used based on your personal dietary preference. One scoop of Greek yogurt makes overnight oats extra creamy and rich in flavor. 
  • Protein: Oats are a wholesome source for plant-based protein, however adding protein boosting ingredients to oatmeal is great for a post-workout snack or for a fulfilling snack that can be eaten at anytime during the day. A spoonful of your favorite protein powder, seeds or nuts are all valuable sources of sustainable energy. If you choose any powders or seeds, make sure to add an extra splash of liquid when serving because the seeds will soak up some of the liquid which results in a thicker the oatmeal texture. 
  • Natural sweetness: Sometimes the coffee or tea needs a touch of sweetness to mimic the flavor of the specialty drinks. If that’s the case, add a drizzle of maple syrup, honey, coconut sugar, chopped dates, agave nectar, date syrup, coconut nectar or brown rice syrup. If you are vegan, substitute any honey in the recipe with your favorite sweetener. 
  • Spices: Not all spices go well with coffee and tea. The top seven spices that go well with coffee and tea flavored overnight oatmeal are anise, cardamom, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, star anise and vanilla. 

Best Toppings for Starbucks Drinks Overnight Oats:

The subtle sweetness and robust taste of coffee and tea make it easy to pair with many sweet fruits, toasted nuts, and delectable sauces to take your overnight oats to the next level.

Here are the best toppings and combinations to make your coffee and tea based overnight oats taste different each time you make a batch:

  • Coffee + Caramel + Chocolate
  • Coffee + Cinnamon + Cloves + Orange
  • Coffee + Cinnamon + Cream + Lemon
  • Coffee + Mascarpone + Vanilla + Macadamia Nuts
  • Coffee + Caramel + Sea Salt
  • Coffee + Chocolate + Cream
  • Coffee + White Chocolate + Cream
  • Tea + Milk + Lemon + Honey

Strong brewed Coffee and tea mixed into yogurt or milk will make coffee-flavored yogurt or coffee milk. The easy trick makes the oats base much more flavorful and makes a big difference on the finished result.

Starbucks Drinks Overnight Oats

Starbucks drinks overnight oats are easy to make, healthy and fulfilling. Explore the fun specialty beverage flavor combinations and customize your personal favorites.

Assemble in a mason jar for an easy grab and go breakfast or afternoon snacks. These vegan and gluten free recipes are perfect meal prep ideas that will fit well into your busy workweek when you’re looking for a quick bit to eat.

Each meal is packed with fiber, protein and essential vitamins and minerals. Enjoy overnight oats with coffee and tea. Knowing that you are getting a heart-healthy meal will give you the confident to continue adding the good eats into your balanced diet.

How to make Starbucks drinks overnight oats

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